Industrial measurements
Industrial measurements, albeit for maintenance or new constructions, should never impede current processes. Geoservice Landmeetkunde offers an experienced team of experts for industrial measurements. Due to the new technology and the state-of-the-art armamentarium of Geoservice Landmeetkunde, we can execute every project in a bespoke manner. Speed, care and accuracy have priority in industrial measurements. All industrial measurements, both internationally and offshore, will be executed according to a comprehensive plan in consultation with the customer.
Industrial measurements: international and offshore
Geoservice Landmeetkunde is the adequate partner for industrial measurements at the highest level of accuracy. Our team of geometricians is highly experienced; from measurements in steel constructions and the processing industry to measurements in shipbuilding and offshore. Geoservice also has international experience in assessing inclinations and inventory of cables and piping.
The team of Geoservice Landmeetkunde is the experienced partner for bespoke industrial measurements.
Fields for industrial measurements:
- Steel construction
- Processing industry
- Shipbuilding & Ship repairs
- Offshore
- Tank construction
- Piping