Trimble TX8 | 3D laser scanning
Geoservice Landmeetkunde uses the Trimble TX8 laserscanner for 3D laser scanning. This 3D laser scanner guarantees high performance and user-friendliness in collecting 3D data. A combination of speed, scope and precision qualifies the Trimble TX8 for the best results in industrial dimensioning, engineering and building and construction.
The revolution in the field of 3D laser scanning
The Trimble TX8 3D laser scanner combines speed with scope. As a consequence, results will be recorded more quickly, more accurately and more comprehensively. A million points are measured per second by means of the patented Lightning ™ technology of Trimble.
High Performance technology for exacting applications
The Trimble TX8 3D laser scanner is ideal for recording detailed data of the conditions. It is possible to measure at high speed without detracting from accuracy. The Trimble TX8 provides a high density 3D point cloud in a field of vision of 360 x 317 degrees up to a maximum distance of an impressive 340 metres.
The complete solution in the field of 3D laser scanning
The Trimble TX8 3D laser scanner is designed for a wide variety of applications:
- Industrial measurements
- Civil engineering
- Research
- Mining and stone quarries
- Residential, commercial and industrial building
- Architecture and design
- Preservation and restoration
- Deformation monitoring
- Quality control
- Accident investigation
The Trimble TX8 3D laser scanner provides the complete scan solution!